Green Mortgages

If you've an energy-efficient home, you could save with a green mortgage.

A growing number of mainstream lenders are now offering so-called green mortgages. Essentially, a green mortgage is meant to increase the appeal of owning a green property. On top of the savings you'll make on your energy bills each month, the idea is that lenders give you cashback and/or a better interest rate when you take out a green mortgage on an energy-efficient property.

Lenders are willing to offer incentives of this nature because they increasingly see energy-efficient properties – in this era of combating climate change – as less risky and more likely to hold their value. Plus, if a homeowner is spending less on their energy bills each month, there's less of a chance they'll struggle to meet their mortgage repayments.

To qualify, you need to own/purchase a property with an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of A or B.

While it's likely more lenders will start to offer green mortgages in the future, the number of high-street lenders that currently offer a green mortgage is small so we recommend speaking to one of our advisors. A broker is worth their weight in gold, as we will be able to highlight green mortgages for you, as well as indicate whether you could save money by getting a non-green mortgage instead.

For more details us on 01522 56722 or email at