What is it?

The purpose of this cover is to provide you with a regular income if you are in paid work and, during the term of the cover, because of illness or injury you are unable to work, resulting in a loss of earnings.

It will also provide you with a regular income if you are not in paid work, during the term of the cover, and because of illness or injury you are unable to carry out certain activities of daily living.

You can choose how long you want your payments to last – up to a year, up to two years, or for the whole length of your cover. You can also decide the amount of time between you becoming ill or injured and getting your first payment from the provider. This is known as the deferred period.

When you choose Income Protection, you can also include additional benefits such as Unemployment Cover which pays you an income if you’re made redundant or unemployed through no fault of your own.

Who is it for?

This type of plan is designed for those who want a monthly benefit if they can’t earn an income because of illness or an accident. As an example this benefit could be used if the person was unable to survive on their savings while ill/injured or if they have limited sick pay from work.

It’s worth pointing out that even if your employer provides sick pay, it is unlikely to last for longer than twelve months and so ongoing protection is essential. Plans can be adapted to fit in with any existing protection you might have.

How can we help?

With access to the leading insurers we can recommend the most suitable and competitive policies to fit your bespoke protection solution so providing you with the cover you require at a price that is affordable.

Applying for cover is not always straight forward. Concise will help complete the medical and employment questionnaires, submit the application and process through to acceptance. Often GP reports and medicals can be required so we will ensure these are carried out quickly and with the least disruption possible.

As we will be paid by the providers we do not need to charge you for our professional advice and help.